If you are thinking about moving your hosting to us and one of your concerns is losing emails in the process, have no fear. We now have the ability to easily transfer your email accounts to our hosting environment from many popular email providers. We can help migrate your email from Exchange 2007, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail Plus, IMAIL and others.

Contact your current system administrator if you are unsure which mail server type you are using.

Learn more about our hosting options here:
Google has recently started to return bread crumbs as clicable results on some of their search results pages (SERPS).  The program is still new and according to Googles Matt Cutts and what you are seeing now may change down the road.  The neat thing for webmasters is that it provides more links to your site from the SERPS page on Google.  At this point all that is needed to get Google to display bread crumbs with your search results is you need bread crumbs on your site with a consistent deliminator between them and the bread crumbs should reflect your sites hierarchy.

Remember bread crumbs aren't a magic bullet for SEO but it is my belief that every website should have them regardless of there effect on your search results.  Breadcrumbs help improve the user experience on your site especially if your site is pretty deep.

Here is what Matt had to say about the topic: