I got a note from a perspective client who heard from a competitor that:

"aspx language was less secure and a dead language to build a site in"

I ran that thought by our development team and it stirred some heated debate (Were a .net shop but some of our guys use to program in .php before starting with us)  Here are the points that I was able to take away from the conversation:  

That sounds like a PHP developer talking. That is almost like saying the iphone is dying because of Android when the reality is both operating systems have market share. This is just opinion but here are a few points about asp.net (aspx) to consider:

  • asp.net (Aspx) is typically associated with more enterprise level software. It's a Microsoft language and in the past some of the software you need to develop in it and run it cost money were PHP is more of a free or open source type of language. It's my belief that with paid programs comes better documentation, support, performance, updates and security. 
  • Another reason we develop in aspx is that many of the companies we work with have Microsoft ERP or internal systems and integration between these systems is so much easier when they speak the same language to begin with. 
This debate is more like what's better Chevy or Ford. The reality is they are both good products but to say aspx is dead couldn't be farther from the truth. It's almost sounds like a sleazy used car sales man type of pitch. We've used php in the past and it has some great features but we feel like we can deliver a better quality and more secure product using ASPX. I'm not knocking PHP it is used by a lot of popular sites but I don't believe it is a better product.

Posted By Jon Ballard


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