You make interesting posts and you try to be as personable as possible, but it just seems like your posts aren't popping up on your fan's feeds very often. What is it that determines which posts appear more often and higher on news feeds? It's called Facebook Edgerank and the higher you can make your rank, the more exposure you'll get to your fans. It's a win/win. Edgerank is a complicated algorithm seen below, so what the heck does it mean to you?
There are a few distinct post types you can use to raise your Edgerank and increase your visibility to your fans:
Huh? You're still lost? Yeah, so are we.
Ue= affinity score between viewing user and edge creator
We= weight of this edge type (create, comment, like, tag, etc.) Essentially it means, how popular is the post
De= time decay factor based on how long ago the edge was created
This is a score based on the proximity or how friendly you are with someone. You've probably noticed this before; checking out someone's page a few times within an hour and all of a sudden they are in your news feed more often
Edge (Post) Weight
This is a basic formula which determines the importance of a post. Pictures are more important than text posts, videos are more important than someone "liking" a page, etc. There's no set-in-stone hierarchy to certain types of posts, but there are certain types of posts that clearly do have higher Edgerank than others.
The final element of this equation is related to frequency, also known as time decay. The longer a post has been up, the more it has "decayed." Newer posts have higher edgerank because of the fact that they're news! People want recent information, not something from two days ago.
Don't worry about the math, just do the following to up the "weight" of your edgerank and effectively increase your prominence on fan's feeds.
There are a few distinct post types you can use to raise your Edgerank and increase your visibility to your fans:
1. Videos Posting videos are seen as an action of high value and importance. People would rather watch videos than read long posts about your products. Let's face it...people like information to come easy. |
2. Links Links automatically generate a short summary and picture from the page you're linking to, which makes your post stick out a ton more than a typical text post. |
3. Encourage Interaction Asking for input, suggestions, or opinions is a great way to get your fans to interact with your page and company. Making sure people understand that you value their input is a huge part in the success of your business. |
4. Be Personable It doesn't always have to be business! Wishing your fans a happy holiday or to have a nice weekend goes a long way to get people to value your company and it's products and services. Be a friend before you try selling them something and your sales pitches will go a lot further. |
5. Post During the Social Media Rush Hour There have been thousands of studies on when the best time to post is, but in our experience, posting between 3 and 5 pm is by far the best time. We think this is true because people are getting done with work and logging into Facebook to check on what is going on. Numbers have shown that Facebook traffic almost doubles between these hours. |
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